Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Soloist

I just finished watching the Soloist. I thought it was pretty good. Just a tad drawn out and some parts were just a tad cliche otherwise I really enjoyed it. RDJ and Jamie Foxx really do a fantastic job. An actor can learn alot by watching them. The film had some really dynamic shots and had tons of well woven in metaphors. This movie succeeded in using cliches in a really great way. There are points you see something coming, like a line. The line that you expect is one of those awesome yet overused kind of lines. The satisfaction of when it is said is like having eight orgasms. Some scenes fall flat. RDJ had an exwife character that was so annoying. She had like, one good scene the rest were just boring. The movie is good until the very end when its preachy about homeless people. While the cause is noble, it just don't really hit home with me. There are a few scene were you feel like an important charactor is being introduced and then it just sort of ends. You never see that character again. So-so writing, great acting pretty good directing. ther ya go

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